Co-Funding for Assisted Conception Procedures


getting baby ready

If you are undergoing Assisted Conception Procedures in public assisted reproduction centres, you can receive up to 75 per cent (subject to a dollar cap) in co-funding from the Government. The co-funding will cover:

  • Intra-Uterine Insemination procedure, for a maximum of three cycles;
  • Assisted Reproduction Technology treatment, up to three fresh and three frozen Assisted Reproduction Technology cycles
  • Up to two out of six Assisted Reproduction Technology cycles if you can be co-funded, provided you have attempted the treatment or an Intra-Uterine Insemination procedure before age 40

The amount of co-funding varies, depending on your spouse’s and your citizenship. Find out more below.

Assisted Conception Procedures Co-Funding per Treatment Cycle

 Singapore Citizen Couple Singapore Citizen - Permanent Resident Couple Singapore Citizen-Foreigner Couple
Fresh Assisted Reproduction Technology cycles 75%; up to $7,700 55%; up to $5,700 35%; up to $3,600
Frozen Assisted Reproduction Technology cycles 75%; up to $2,200 55%; up to $1,600 35%; up to $1,000
Intra-Uterine Insemination  75%; up to $1,00055%; up to $70035%; up to $500

Co-funding for Assisted Reproduction Technology covers procedures such as in-vitro fertilisation and its variations (with or without intracytoplasmic sperm injection, in-vitro maturation, donor cycles and double stimulation cycles), as well as gamete intra-fallopian transfer. Co-funding can be considered for all standard procedures, ranging from ovarian stimulation or thawing of the embryo, to embryo transfer. The co-funding does not cover initial consultations and investigations prior to your decision to start the treatment.

You are eligible for Assisted Conception Procedures co-funding if you meet the following criteria:

For Assisted Reproduction Technology co-funding:

  • You are below 40 years of age at the start of the cycle (except for the last two cycles for couples where the wife had previously attempted an Assisted Reproduction Technology/Intra-Uterine Insemination procedure before age 40);
  • You have not already received three co-funded fresh and three co-funded frozen cycles in the past;
  • You have been assessed by a doctor to have met the clinical requirements for Assisted Reproduction Technology ^; and
  • You or your spouse must be a Singapore Citizen at the start of the Assisted Reproduction Technology cycle.

^Investigations and tests are required to determine if a couple meets the clinical criteria to undergo Assisted Reproduction Technology treatment. This process may take up to three months before a couple can commence their cycle.

For Intra-Uterine Insemination co-funding:

  • You are below 40 years of age at the start of the cycle;
  • You have been assessed by a doctor to be suitable to try Intra-Uterine Insemination; and
  • You or your spouse must be a Singaporean Citizen at the start of the Intra-Uterine Insemination cycle.

Couples with at least one Singaporean spouse who is clinically eligible for Pre-implantation Genetic Testing for Monogenic/Single Gene Defects (PGT-M) and Chromosomal Structural Rearrangements (PGT-SR) can receive up to 75% in Government co-funding, capped at the maximum claimable amount for each PGT-M and PGT-SR stage, and tap on their own or their spouse's MediSave.

For more information on the Assisted Conception Procedures co-funding schemes, please refer to the Marriage and Parenthood Schemes section on MOH’s website, or email

  • FAQ
    • 1. Which Assisted Reproduction centres are eligible for the Assisted Conception Procedures co-funding scheme?

      Assisted Reproduction Technology and Intra-Uterine Insemination co-funding are available only at Assisted Reproduction centres in Singapore public hospitals. They are located at National University Hospital, Singapore General Hospital, and KK Women's and Children's Hospital.

    • 2. Is Assisted Reproduction Technology/Intra-Uterine Insemination co-funding extended to private hospitals?

      No. Similar to general healthcare subsidies, the co-funding scheme only applies to treatment done at public hospitals. Patients can still withdraw from their MediSave to pay for the treatment performed at private hospitals, up to the prevailing withdrawal limits.

    • 3. Do I have to apply for the Assisted Conception Procedures co-funding scheme for my Assisted Reproduction Technology/Intra-Uterine Insemination treatments?

      You do not need to apply for the co-funding scheme. Simply fill up a declaration form provided by the hospital, which will be used to check your eligibility for the scheme. The hospital will incorporate the co-funding into your bill once it verifies that you are eligible.

    • 4. Can I use MediSave to foot the remaining costs of a co-funded Assisted Conception Procedures cycle?

      Yes, MediSave can be used to pay for co-funded cycles and cycles that are not co-funded. You can withdraw the following amounts from either your spouse’s or your MediSave account, up to a lifetime withdrawal limit of $15,000:


      • First cycle: up to $6,000
      • Second cycle: up to $5,000
      • Third and subsequent cycles: up to $4,000 per cycle

    • 5. I have two children and am trying for a third child. Will I still qualify for the Assisted Conception Procedures co-funding scheme?

      Yes, you will qualify for the co-funding if you meet all the criteria.

    • 6. Why is there an age restriction for the Assisted Conception Procedures co-funding scheme?

      The Assisted Conception Procedures co-funding scheme is meant to encourage couples who have difficulty conceiving to seek treatment early, as medical evidence shows that the chance of conception is significantly higher for a woman who undergoes Assisted Reproduction Technology/ Intra-Uterine Insemination treatment at a younger age. Based on our studies, success rates* are 26.6 per cent for women below 30, 24.6 per cent for women from 30 to 34, 17.1 per cent for women from 35 to 39, and 6.7 per cent for women 40 and above. 

      Imposing an age criterion of 40 years old for the Assisted Conception Procedures co-funding scheme hence seeks to strike a balance between the clinical evidence on reduced efficacy with increase in maternal age, while supporting some couples who may be unable to receive Assisted Conception Procedures early.

      As a concession to support some couples who may wish to try to conceive even beyond 40 years of age, the Ministry of Health has also extended co-funding for up to two unutilised Assisted Reproduction Technology cycles (out of the six Government co-funded Assisted Reproduction Technology cycles) to women beyond age 40, as long as they have attempted an Assisted Conception Procedure before age 40.

      Intra-Uterine Insemination co-funding is not extended to women aged 40 or beyond, because their doctors are likely to recommend that they undergo Assisted Reproduction Technology treatments,  as clinical evidence has shown that their chances of conceiving are very low.

      In general, as the success rate of Assisted Conception Procedures falls with age, we encourage couples to consider childbearing when they are younger and seek treatment early if they have difficulties conceiving.

      *Based on average Assisted Reproduction Technology success rates by patient’s age group from 2014 to 2018.

    • 7. Why is co-funding only provided for three fresh and three frozen Assisted Reproduction Technology cycles? What about subsequent cycles for couples who may need it?

      The number of co-funded cycles is based on existing clinical evidence that the success rate of Assisted Reproduction Technology decreases with each additional cycle and age. Co-funding for three fresh and three frozen cycles allows couples to freeze and store excess embryos produced from fresh cycles, and to follow up with a frozen treatment cycle subsequently if required.

    • 8. Why is co-funding only provided for three Intra-Uterine Insemination cycles? What about subsequent cycles for couples who may need it?

      The number of co-funded cycles is set based on the typical clinical practice where couples usually try three cycles of Intra-Uterine Insemination before moving on to Assisted Reproduction Technology.

      For further queries, please email MOH at 

    For further queries, please email MOH at